Taxes will kill my writing Career
I’m showing up in the streets
Uninfluenced, I incite myself this time
I’m showing up with no party colors, for once I’ll trust my skin and turn up on a black t-shirt
The placard I’ll be carrying is unfinanced, I made it myself
The only bullet I fear this time is my silence
It’s not the price of flour this time, its the price of my vote
I used to think leadership is representing the plight of the people,
These days our leaders have made themselves our masters
I’m not here to talk about our leaders flights and whips
I’m talking about the share of our voices
When we voted you in, we gave you our voices, we gave you our hearts
Some of ours gave everything
The cars only made you a man of means
What we did not give you the right to throttle us with taxes
Alliances were only your ideas
You think this is an age of easy money?
You don’t have to be in charge, we just want you to be involved Mr politician
I know it’s easy to pass a bill and forget bills and forget about those little minions
Just as it is easy to forget our leaders and let everyone lead himself and that’s what we call destruction
Revolution doesn’t have to begin with stones but collective minds that realize its all bullshit to put self forward and consider everyone’s interest and wellbeing
Health and wellbeing doesn’t have to be words we use when we pretend that we care
I know you might ask yourself, hey you Mr politician,
How’s a poet affected by this financial bill?
Am a bomb poet, I explored with ideas, I talk about my people, sometimes I talk about me
And sincerely topics about leaders who just wanna lead themselves are difficult to write
How am I gonna talk about VAT on bread that God gives daily for free?
How am I gonna talk about taxes on pension when my people want to retire young and rich, they will finish me
How am I gonna talk about taxes on digital content, I create content myself and I tell you it’s not easy “the bag” here is the bag we carry around looking for a place to record “some”
How am I gonna talk about taxes on diapers, that is killing productivity of an entire nation
Taxes on chamas? Me, my pen, NO
YOU SEE, I love to write about good stuff like Love, my family, Santa, the street
This taxes will kill my career in writing
When you see us match up in parliament today, it’s a stakeholders meeting